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Heroku Jammit GEM with the latest Heroku Gem

I've been using the following heroku jammit gem for deploying:

During a nightly deployment, heroku had me update my heroku gem, which then broke this jammit gem. I now get the following error:

===== Deploying assets for  to heroku...

 !  Invalid path.
 !  Syntax is:<app>.git where <app> is your app's name

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
===== Done...
===== Deleting compiled assets...[OK]
===== Commiting deleted assets...[OK]
===== Done...

In the heroku_jammit gem '/lib/heroku_jammit.rb'

line 84: run "git push{@app}.git #{branch}:master"

Any suggestions on how to update this line to work with the new heroku gem?



  • The API of the Heroku gem changed. Before 2.0 @app was defined with an attr_reader. In version 2.0+ it's a method. The fix is to change the instance variable call to @app to a method call to app.

    We fixed this in our pull request which has been accepted.