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How to change discord bots game activity randomly after a interval

I am trying to get my bot to change its game status every so often.

Here is what I have tried: Making it a command this works but can not use it due to the fact that the command is always running because of the loop making other commands unable to be ran.

        private async Task randomPlaying()
            const int delay = 3000;

            Random rand = new Random();

            string[] serverActivity = File.ReadAllLines(Server.GameActivity.servergameactivitypath);

            for (; ; )
                int randomIndex = rand.Next(serverActivity.Length);
                string gameActityText = serverActivity[randomIndex];
                await Task.Delay(delay);
                await Context.Client.SetGameAsync(gameActityText, "", ActivityType.Playing);

Trying to do it inside of the Program.cs

private async Task randomPlaying()
            const int delay = 3000;

            Random rand = new Random();

            string[] serverActivity = File.ReadAllLines(Commands.Server.GameActivity.servergameactivitypath);

            for (; ; )
                int randomIndex = rand.Next(serverActivity.Length);
                string gameActityText = serverActivity[randomIndex];
                await Task.Delay(delay);
                await Context.Client.SetGameAsync(gameActityText, "", ActivityType.Playing);

And calling it with

await randomPlaying();

This method does nothing and doesn't even show its working.

servergameactivitypath code is

public static string servergameactivitypath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/config/gameactivity.txt";

        public static void createGameActivityTXT()
            File.WriteAllText(servergameactivitypath, "Hello There\nTest1\nTest2\nTest3");



  • Use:

        private async Task randomPlaying()
                const int delay = 3000;
                Random rand = new Random();
                string[] serverActivity = File.ReadAllLines(Commands.Server.GameActivity.servergameactivitypath);
                for (; ; )
                    int randomIndex = rand.Next(serverActivity.Length);
                    string gameActityText = serverActivity[randomIndex];
                    await Task.Delay(delay);
                    await _client.SetGameAsync(gameActityText, "", ActivityType.Playing);

    Call in MainAsync() using above Task.Delay

    await randomPlaying()