If I have a TreeView with the font to Segoa UI Emoji. I need to set a TreeView node icon using 2 strings but doesn't work. Also, what value can I use for the unicodeEndStr
variable below if the unicode only has 4 digits like 2639
// This code shows emoji icon in treeview node followed by a space and some text
string emoji = "\U0001F608" + " " + "Face Savoring Food";
// This code does not show emoji icon, just \U0001F608 followed by a space and some text
string unicodeStartStr = "\\U000"; // need double back slashes to compile
string unicodeEndStr = "1F608";
string emojiCodeStr = unicodeStartStr + unicodeEndStr;
string emojiStr = emojiCodeStr + " " + "Face Savoring Food";
First parse your combined Unicode string as hex(16-bit) number. Then use char.ConverFromUtf32(str).ToString() to generate complete Unicode symbol.
Reference solution: Dynamic generate 8-Digit-Unicode to Character
public Form1()
treeView1.Nodes.Add("\U0001F608" + " " + "Face Savoring Food");
// remove \u prefix
string unicodeStartStr = "000";
string unicodeEndStr = "1F608";
string emojiCodeStr = unicodeStartStr + unicodeEndStr;
int value = int.Parse(emojiCodeStr, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
string result = char.ConvertFromUtf32(value).ToString();
string emojiStr = result + " " + "Face Savoring Food";