I am trying to fetch all orders from firebase database, and then fetch detailed info about customers using customerId from order. This is my database schema:
My html template:
<h2>Raw Data</h2>
<pre>{{rawData | async | json}}</pre>
Following code returns ERROR TypeError: "cyclic object value"
constructor(public db: AngularFireDatabase) {
this.rawData = db.list('/orders').valueChanges().pipe(
switchMap(orders => { const customerIds = uniq(orders.map((ord: Order) => ord.customer));
return customerIds.map(customerId => db.object('customers/' + customerId + '/').valueChanges());} )
However, when I tried to return only one customer, related with the first order, using following code:
constructor(public db: AngularFireDatabase) {
this.rawData = db.list('/orders').valueChanges().pipe(
switchMap(orders => { const customerIds = uniq(orders.map((ord: Order) => ord.customer));
return db.object('customers/' + customerIds[0] + '/').valueChanges();} )
I received desired output. Why fetching in map doesn't work for me? Do i need to process output from map further? Ideally, I would like to have output like this
order_param = order_value
customer = {customer_param = customer_value }
I am beginer with Angular, and rxjs, I was trying to follow this article:
It is happening because you are return a array of streams but not subscribing to them. To do that, you can use mergeAll.
As documentation says, mergeAll subscribes to an Observable that emits Observables. Each time it observes one of these emitted inner Observables, it subscribes to that and delivers all the values from the inner Observable on the output Observable.
const getOrders$ = db.list('/orders').valueChanges();
const getCustomerChangesById = customerId => db.object('customers/' + customerId + '/').valueChanges()
constructor(public db: AngularFireDatabase) {
this.rawData = getOrders.pipe(
switchMap(orders => {
const customerIds = uniq(orders.map((ord: Order) => ord.customer));
return customerIds.map(getCustomerChangesById);