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Is the startWith operator in RXJS really deprecated?

Since updating to RXJS version 6 my WebStorm editor has been complaining on some usages of startWith() that the operator is marked as deprecated.

You can see in the source code that the methods are marked deprecated:

The problem for me is that the deprecated warning is not consistent. Sometimes it reports the method deprecated and other times it does not. While I can reproduce the warning in the below code examples. It seems to happen in my own source code randomly.

Not deprecated:


Is marked deprecated:

  const x: any = true;

So I am worried about these deprecated warnings. The deprecation message says to use scheduled() and concat() operators instead, but that feels like a more complicate alternative to an already handy operator like startWith().

So I'm kind of confused as to why it's deprecated, but also why it's only deprecated sometimes.


  • No, it is not.

    Currently there is only one active signature: startWith(...values)

    Apart from this signature, it has several overloads which accept scheduler: SchedulerLike as the latest parameter: startWith(...values, scheduler) and this functionality has been deprecated.

    If you don't use scheduler with startWith you are fine.

    If you do, then you need rewrite your code using scheduled function like they suggest in the comment beside depreciation annotation: scheduled([[a, b, c], source], scheduler).pipe(concatAll()).

    Highly likely, you are using startWith(null) or startWith(undefined), they are not deprecated despite the notice, but IDE detects a wrong function signature, which is deprecated, and shows the warning.

    Or, you are using formControl.valueChanges which emits any type, or any other observable stream with any. Because any matches the SchedulerLike, you see the notice.

    Therefore, try to avoid any via adding filter((v): v is number => typeof === 'number') or any other possible way.