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how to put in selectInput of R.shiny many levels with few line of code

I want to put in selectInput of Rshiny all the levels of a variable (which is character) with the few lines of code.


I want to have something like this

c("a"="a", "b"="b", "c"="c", "d"="d")

then like this

c("Whole a"="="a", "Whole b"="b", "Whole c"="c", "Whole d=","d")

"Whole a" for example means I want to write complete names of the levels (begining with a capital letter and having space between two words).

The first solution I thought of is to use paste().

paste (unique(var),"=",unique(var),collapse = ",")

which give as ouput

"a = a, b= b, c = c, d = d"

However, I know these codes are insufficient


  • Do you want to create a named vector? something like this.

    setNames(unique(var), paste('Whole', unique(var)))
    #Whole a Whole b Whole c Whole d 
    #    "a"     "b"     "c"     "d"