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Lodash orderBy Function Not Sorting Correctly

Hi Everyone having an issue with a lodash function with react. I am trying to order an array of strings. I am copying the code exactly from the documentation which i used in the playground there and works fine but when i try run it in my code i have the same issue which i had while using the sort array.

Grabbing my array and throwing it right into the orderBy function but it is not order it correctly.

I want the editionsCount to sort according to its value but it keeps ordering the numbers not based on their actual value.

For example 108 will be smaller than 23 because 2 is bigger than three.

Here is the code I am running the lodash function in

const stableSort = (array, comparator) => {
    console.log(_.orderBy(array, ["editionsCount"], ["desc"]));

Here is a screenshot of my response

enter image description here

Thanks in advance:)


  • The value of editionsCount is a string, and is sorted by lexical order.

    The _.orderBy() function also accepts a function as the iteratee. To order by numeric order, supply a function that converts a string to a number. I've used the unary + operator.

    const arr = [{"editionsCount":"1"},{"editionsCount":"2"},{"editionsCount":"10"},{"editionsCount":"20"}]
    // sort by numeric order
    const sortByNumericValue = _.orderBy(arr, o => +o.editionsCount, ["desc"])
    // Sort by lexical order
    const sortByLexicalOrder = _.orderBy(arr, o => o.editionsCount, ["desc"])
    <script src=""></script>