I need to pass a variable to a SoQL query to then make a Curl request. This is an example of code.
day=$(date -d "yesterday" +'%d/%m/%Y')
query1="SELECT name WHERE data=${day}"
query1=${query_1/ / /%20}
curl "https://url/file.json?\$query=${query1}"
I receive the following error:
{"message":Invalid SoQL query","error code":"query.soql.invalid","data":{}}
In the 'Where' I have tried with $day, "$day","${day}".
But if I introduce for example query1='SELECT name WHERE data=24/05/2020' works correctly.
I need help because I don't understand what is going on.
query1="SELECT name WHERE data=${day}"
query1="SELECT name WHERE data=`day`"