I want to frequently publish messages to a Redis server from a Python component. Then, in an other PHP component that also has the access to this Redis server, I want to send emails to users based on the messages that are stored in Redis. If I'm not wrong, there are two ways of doing that: Push-Pull and Push-Push designs:
Pull design
The PHP component is frequently making requests to the Redis server, and when there is a new message, make the action.
Push design:
We don't need to make these frequent requests from the PHP component: Whenever a new message is published in Redis, the action from the PHP component can be triggered.
My question
How can we implement the Push-Push design? When I read the Redis documentation about the Pub-Sub model, I don't find anything about it. So I don't really understand how we can trigger an action, in an other way then making frequent requests to the redis server.
You need to run a "long-running" php process as daemon via using solutions such as nohup
, supervisor
or upstart
. This process will keep working as daemon to consume your redis channel
. Python will keep producing, php will keep consuming.
There are several libraries to run php process as daemon such as reactphp or if you are using a framework such as laravel, it offers a good pub/sub interface.
It will be something like this;
Php part will subscribe
to mychannel> SUBSCRIBE mychannel
Reading messages... (press Ctrl-C to quit)
1) "subscribe"
2) "mychannel"
3) (integer) 1
python will publish
to mychannel> publish mychannel myemailjson
(integer) 1> publish mychannel myanotheremailjson
(integer) 1>
in the meanwhile, your php process will receive that messages
1) "message"
2) "mychannel"
3) "myemailjson"
1) "message"
2) "mychannel"
3) "myanotheremailjson"
In that subscriber
php process you will call/trigger/dispatch your email delivery jobs(probably asynchronously) whenever it receives a message.