I have a SVG I created in Inkscape. I need to make multiple copies of the SVG with slightly different colors. I'd rather not do this manually. Is there a library in python that would allow me to select the object in the SVG change its fill color then either save a copy of the SVG with the new color or export it to png/pdf?
I managed to sort out a fairly simple way to do this once i realized SVG's are basically large text files. I also found CairoSVG to export them in to png files. The code below reads all SVG files in a given folder then exports a png version for each color in the colors array.
import codecs
import cairosvg
import glob
import os
import sys
colors = [
["alice blue", "#F0F8FF"],
["antique white", "#FAEBD7"],
["aqua", "#00FFFF"],
["aqua marine", "#7FFFD4"],
["azure", "#F0FFFF"],
["beige", "#F5F5DC"],
["bisque", "#FFE4C4"],
["Black", "#000000"],
["black", "#000000"],
["blanched almond", "#FFEBCD"],
["Blue", "#0000FF"],
["blue", "#0000FF"],
["blue violet", "#8A2BE2"],
["brown", "#A52A2A"],
["burly wood", "#DEB887"],
["cadet blue", "#5F9EA0"],
["chart reuse", "#7FFF00"],
["chocolate", "#D2691E"],
["coral", "#FF7F50"],
["corn flower blue", "#6495ED"],
["corn silk", "#FFF8DC"],
["crimson", "#DC143C"],
["cyan", "#00FFFF"],
["Cyan-Aqua", "#00FFFF"],
["dark blue", "#00008B"],
["dark cyan", "#008B8B"],
["dark golden rod", "#B8860B"],
["dark gray-dark grey", "#A9A9A9"],
["dark green", "#006400"],
["dark khaki", "#BDB76B"],
["dark magenta", "#8B008B"],
["dark olive green", "#556B2F"],
["dark orange", "#FF8C00"],
["dark orchid", "#9932CC"],
["dark red", "#8B0000"],
["dark red", "#8B0000"],
["dark salmon", "#E9967A"],
["dark sea green", "#8FBC8F"],
["dark slate blue", "#483D8B"],
["dark slate gray", "#2F4F4F"],
["dark turquoise", "#00CED1"],
["dark violet", "#9400D3"],
["deep pink", "#FF1493"],
["deep sky blue", "#00BFFF"],
["dim gray-dim grey", "#696969"],
["dodger blue", "#1E90FF"],
["firebrick", "#B22222"],
["floral white", "#FFFAF0"],
["forest green", "#228B22"],
["gainsboro", "#DCDCDC"],
["ghost white", "#F8F8FF"],
["gold", "#FFD700"],
["golden rod", "#DAA520"],
["Gray", "#808080"],
["gray-grey", "#808080"],
["Green", "#008000"],
["green", "#008000"],
["green yellow", "#ADFF2F"],
["honeydew", "#F0FFF0"],
["hot pink", "#FF69B4"],
["indian red", "#CD5C5C"],
["indigo", "#4B0082"],
["ivory", "#FFFFF0"],
["khaki", "#F0E68C"],
["lavender", "#E6E6FA"],
["lavender blush", "#FFF0F5"],
["lawn green", "#7CFC00"],
["lemon chiffon", "#FFFACD"],
["light blue", "#ADD8E6"],
["light coral", "#F08080"],
["light cyan", "#E0FFFF"],
["light golden rod yellow", "#FAFAD2"],
["light gray-light grey", "#D3D3D3"],
["light green", "#90EE90"],
["light pink", "#FFB6C1"],
["light salmon", "#FFA07A"],
["light sea green", "#20B2AA"],
["light sky blue", "#87CEFA"],
["light slate gray", "#778899"],
["light steel blue", "#B0C4DE"],
["light yellow", "#FFFFE0"],
["Lime", "#00FF00"],
["lime", "#00FF00"],
["lime green", "#32CD32"],
["linen", "#FAF0E6"],
["Magenta-Fuchsia", "#FF00FF"],
["Maroon", "#800000"],
["maroon", "#800000"],
["medium aqua marine", "#66CDAA"],
["medium blue", "#0000CD"],
["medium orchid", "#BA55D3"],
["medium purple", "#9370DB"],
["medium sea green", "#3CB371"],
["medium slate blue", "#7B68EE"],
["medium spring green", "#00FA9A"],
["medium turquoise", "#48D1CC"],
["medium violet red", "#C71585"],
["midnight blue", "#191970"],
["mint cream", "#F5FFFA"],
["misty rose", "#FFE4E1"],
["moccasin", "#FFE4B5"],
["navajo white", "#FFDEAD"],
["Navy", "#000080"],
["navy", "#000080"],
["old lace", "#FDF5E6"],
["Olive", "#808000"],
["olive", "#808000"],
["olive drab", "#6B8E23"],
["orange", "#FFA500"],
["orange red", "#FF4500"],
["orchid", "#DA70D6"],
["pale golden rod", "#EEE8AA"],
["pale green", "#98FB98"],
["pale turquoise", "#AFEEEE"],
["pale violet red", "#DB7093"],
["papaya whip", "#FFEFD5"],
["peach puff", "#FFDAB9"],
["peru", "#CD853F"],
["pink", "#FFC0CB"],
["plum", "#DDA0DD"],
["powder blue", "#B0E0E6"],
["Purple", "#800080"],
["purple", "#800080"],
["Red", "#FF0000"],
["red", "#FF0000"],
["rosy brown", "#BC8F8F"],
["royal blue", "#4169E1"],
["saddle brown", "#8B4513"],
["salmon", "#FA8072"],
["sandy brown", "#F4A460"],
["sea green", "#2E8B57"],
["sea shell", "#FFF5EE"],
["sienna", "#A0522D"],
["Silver", "#C0C0C0"],
["silver", "#C0C0C0"],
["sky blue", "#87CEEB"],
["slate blue", "#6A5ACD"],
["slate gray", "#708090"],
["snow", "#FFFAFA"],
["spring green", "#00FF7F"],
["steel blue", "#4682B4"],
["tan", "#D2B48C"],
["Teal", "#008080"],
["teal", "#008080"],
["thistle", "#D8BFD8"],
["tomato", "#FF6347"],
["turquoise", "#40E0D0"],
["violet", "#EE82EE"],
["wheat", "#F5DEB3"],
["White", "#FFFFFF"],
["white", "#FFFFFF"],
["white smoke", "#F5F5F5"],
["Yellow", "#FFFF00"],
["yellow", "#FFFF00"],
["yellow green", "#9ACD32"]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
c2replace = sys.argv[2]
c2replace = "#ff0066"
for file in glob.glob("*.svg"):
with codecs.open(file, encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as f:
content = f.read()
for color in colors:
newSVG = content.replace(c2replace, color[1])
newBytes = str.encode(newSVG)
cairosvg.svg2png(bytestring=newBytes, write_to="{}_{}.png".format(os.path.splitext(file)[0], color[0]))
except Exception as e: