Below is the HTML report generated by PyTest with Test case name as "[0]" instead of this method's name I want to display some actual tests name like "Verify username and password" which ideally describes what kind of test was performed and gives a better understanding to the Report reader, obviously from method name/number, it's hard to identify what was tested as part this Tests.
I want to rename the yellow highlighted Testcases's name.
Use this hookwrapper in conftest:
def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
outcome = yield
report = outcome.get_result()
test_fn = item.obj
docstring = getattr(test_fn, '__doc__')
if docstring:
report.nodeid = docstring
And for each test you run, you will have a specific name. Also you can make it dynamic(using a parameter) - eg:
def test_username(my_username):
test_username.__doc__ = "Verify username and password for: " + str(my_username)