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Is it possible to turn of only a specific kind of warning in scalac?

Call me stubborn, but they can get my /: and :\ out of my cold, dead fingers. I can't wait for scala 2.14 when they are supposed to go away so that I can implement my own and get rid of the deprecation warning completely, but is there anything I can do in the meantime - in scalac, sbt or at least IntelliJ to filter out those warnings? I am an absolute noob with regard to sbt, but it seems like something that should be very easily accomplished.


  • Scala 2.13.2 has just been released a few days ago, which includes a new -Wconf flag for configurable warnings. See

    Configure compiler warnings.
    Syntax: -Wconf:<filters>:<action>,<filters>:<action>,...
    multiple <filters> are combined with &, i.e., <filter>&...&<filter>
    Note: Run with `-Wconf:any:warning-verbose` to print warnings with their category, site,
    and (for deprecations) origin and since-version.
      - Any message: any
      - Message categories: cat=deprecation, cat=lint, cat=lint-infer-any
        The full list of warning categories is shown at the end of this help text.
      - Message content: msg=regex
        The regex need only match some part of the message, not all of it.
      - Site where the warning is triggered: site=my\.package\..*
        The regex must match the full name (`package.Class.method`) of the warning position.
      - Source file name: src=src_managed/.*
        If `-rootdir` is specified, the regex must match the canonical path relative to the
        root directory. Otherwise, the regex must match the canonical path relative to any
        path segment (`b/.*Test.scala` matches `/a/b/XTest.scala` but not `/ab/Test.scala`).
        Use unix-style paths, separated by `/`.
      - Origin of deprecation: origin=external\.package\..*
        The regex must match the full name (`package.Class.method`) of the deprecated entity.
      - Since of deprecation: since<1.24
        Valid operators: <, =, >, valid versions: N, N.M, N.M.P. Compares against the first
        version of the form N, N.M or N.M.P found in the `since` parameter of the deprecation,
        for example `1.2.3` in `@deprecated("", "some lib 1.2.3-foo")`.
      - error / e
      - warning / w
      - warning-summary / ws (summary with the number of warnings, like for deprecations)
      - warning-verbose / wv (show warning category and site)
      - info / i             (infos are not counted as warnings and don't affect `-Werror`)
      - info-summary / is
      - info-verbose / iv
      - silent / s
    The default configuration is:
    User-defined configurations are added to the left. The leftmost rule matching
    a warning message defines the action.
      - change every warning into an error: -Wconf:any:error
      - silence certain deprecations: -Wconf:origin=some\.lib\..*&since>2.2:s
    Full list of message categories:
     - deprecation
     - feature, feature-dynamics, feature-existentials, feature-higher-kinds, feature-implicit-conversions, feature-macros, feature-postfix-ops, feature-reflective-calls
     - java-source
     - lint, lint-adapted-args, lint-byname-implicit, lint-constant, lint-delayedinit-select, lint-deprecation, lint-doc-detached, lint-eta-sam, lint-eta-zero, lint-implicit-not-found, lint-inaccessible, lint-infer-any, lint-missing-interpolator, lint-nonlocal-return, lint-nullary-override, lint-nullary-unit, lint-option-implicit, lint-package-object-classes, lint-poly-implicit-overload, lint-private-shadow, lint-recurse-with-default, lint-serial, lint-stars-align, lint-type-parameter-shadow, lint-unit-specialization
     - optimizer
     - other, other-debug, other-match-analysis, other-migration, other-pure-statement, other-shadowing
     - scaladoc
     - unchecked
     - unused, unused-imports, unused-locals, unused-nowarn, unused-params, unused-pat-vars, unused-privates
     - w-flag, w-flag-dead-code, w-flag-extra-implicit, w-flag-numeric-widen, w-flag-self-implicit, w-flag-value-discard
    To suppress warnings locally, use the `scala.annotation.nowarn` annotation.
    Note: on the command-line you might need to quote configurations containing `*` or `&`
    to prevent the shell from expanding patterns.

    For anyone else still stuck with an earlier Scala version, there is the silencer scalac plugin: