The following
element = driver.execute_script("return $('.theelementclass')")[0]
finds me my element (a div that only contains some text), but:
returns an empty string (which is a surprise). From the JavaScript console:
$('.theelementclass').text // Also (consistently) empty
$('.theelementclass').innerText // YES! Gets the div's text.
Given that I have some WebElement, can I find the innerText? (For boring reasons, I want to operate with a found webelement, not the original query.)
I'm including the surrounding HTML. However, I don't think it's useful (since the element is found and is unique).
<first-panel on-click="onClickLearnMore()" class="ng-isolate-scope">
<div class="comp-onboarding-first-thought-panel">
<div class="onboarding-text-container">
<div class="theelementclass">
You found the text is here!
<div class="button-cont">
<div ng-click="onClickButton()">Learn more about The Thing</div>
Here is a simpler approach:
element = driver.find_element_by_class_name('theelementclass')
text = element.get_attribute('innerText')
So you can do similar stuff with 'outerHTML', 'href', 'src', etc. with the get_attribute() method.