I have a 3 data files stored in ORC, partitioned by the DATE
I pulled a week of data, so the next file structure looks like this for each set of files:
I know I can read in a single day's ORC file with the following commands:
alloc_orc = spark.read.orc("/orc/orc_FLORIDA_2019-04-30/alloc_FLORIDA_2019-04-30/")
avails_orc = spark.read.orc("/orc/orc_FLORIDA_2019-04-30/avails_FLORIDA_2019-04-30/")
orders_orc = spark.read.orc("/orc/orc_FLORIDA_2019-04-30/orders_FLORIDA_2019-04-30/")
How would I go about reading in the entire week of data for each table?
And, say if I had a month of data, could I only read in the first week? Or would I have to read in the entire month and then filter for the dates I want?
Do I need to tweak my file structure and save the outputted data to this for easier read-in?
Any help is much appreciated!
If you change your structure to Date
then alloc/avails
it will be easier to predicate pushdown filters.
#set predicate pushdown parameter
spark.sql("set spark.sql.orc.filterPushdown=true").show()
#read 1 week files and you can extract alloc,avails from file_name in case if you need to add them as column
filter((col("DATE") >= "strt_date") & (col("batchdate") < "end_date")).\