Search code examples

Mongodb: Build category url with $graphLookup, $reduce & $concat in the right order

What i try to archive is to get a URL in the right order as the parents of an document.

I generate this query:




  { '_id' : 'shoes', 'name' : 'Shoes', 'path' : 'shoes', 'parent': null},
  { '_id' : 'sportshoes', 'name' : 'Sport-Shoes', 'path' : 'sportshoes', 'parent': 'shoes'},
  { '_id' : 'sportshoes-black', 'name' : 'Sportshoes Black', 'path' : 'sportshoes-black', 'parent': 'sportshoes'},
  { '_id' : 'sportshoes-black-m', 'name' : 'Sportshoes Black M', 'path' : 'sportshoes-black-m', 'parent': 'sportshoes-black'},
  { '_id' : 'sportshoes-black-w', 'name' : 'Sportshoes Black W', 'path' : 'sportshoes-black-w', 'parent': 'sportshoes-black'},

db.categories.aggregate( [
  {$match: { _id: 'sportshoes-black-m' } },
      $graphLookup: {
         from: "categories",
         startWith: "$parent",
         connectFromField: "parent",
         connectToField: "_id",
         as: "url"
      $project: {
        "name": 1,
        "url" : {
          $reduce: {
            input: "$url.path",
            initialValue: "",
            in: {
              '$concat': [
              {'$cond': [{'$eq': ['$$value', '']}, '', '/']}, '$$this']


    _id: 'sportshoes-black-m',
    name: 'Sportshoes Black M',
    url: 'shoes/sportshoes/sportshoes-black'

For this example it is the right order but when i try to fetch sportshoes-black-w i get it in the wrong order:


    _id: 'sportshoes-black-w',
    name: 'Sportshoes Black W',
    url: 'sportshoes-black/sportshoes/shoes'


  • All you have to do is sort the urls before, If by any chance your using Mongo v4.4, the $function was introduced, this operator allows applying a custom javascript function to implement behaviour not supported by the MongoDB Query Language such as sorting an array like so:

        {$match: {_id: 'sportshoes-black-m'}},
            $graphLookup: {
                from: "categories",
                startWith: "$parent",
                connectFromField: "parent",
                connectToField: "_id",
                as: "url"
            $addFields: {
                "url": {
                    $function: {
                        body: function (urls) {
                            urls.sort((a, b) => a.path > b.path);
                            return urls;
                        args: ["$url"],
                        lang: "js"
            $project: {
                "name": 1,
                "url": {
                    $reduce: {
                        input: "$url.path",
                        initialValue: "",
                        in: {
                            '$concat': [
                                {'$cond': [{'$eq': ['$$value', '']}, '', '/']}, '$$this']

    Sadly for previous Mongo version such capabilities do not exist, you'll have to $unwind, $sort and then $group to restore the structure you want, for obvious reasons this is very expensive so in that case I recommend you just do the sorting in code post aggregation.