I am consuming data from the G Suite Drive API and I am getting the following error:
[2020-05-09 05:42:33,626: INFO/ForkPoolWorker-1] URL being requested: GET https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v3/files/<FILE_ID>/permissions?fields=%2A&alt=json
[2020-05-09 05:42:34,089: WARNING/ForkPoolWorker-1] Encountered 403 Forbidden with reason "insufficientFilePermissions"
[2020-05-09 05:42:34,089: WARNING/ForkPoolWorker-1] drive#permission: HTTP error (code 403): The user does not have sufficient permissions for this file.
The file causing the trouble is a JPEG. I have both the file ID and the file name.
The situation is as follows:
Can anyone shed light on this?
Thank you for your time.
You need to be an editor or owner to use Permissions:list