I'm testing a post method in my controller that only return a String and using Mockito to mock the service call. My problem is that when the service method is called on controller it return null.
public class ProcessGroupRestControllerTest {
public void givenAllNifiArguments_whenImportProcessGroup_thenReturnJsonOk() throws Exception {
NiFiArguments niFiArguments = NiFiArguments.builder()......flowVersion("3").build();
String expected = "1689d61b-624d-4574-823d-f1b4755882e1";
String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(niFiArguments);
//Mock service call
The controller:
public ResponseEntity<String> importProcessGroup(@RequestBody NiFiArguments niFiArguments)
throws NiFiClientException {
log.info("Called method importFlow");
String result = nifiService.importProcessGroup(niFiArguments);
return new ResponseEntity<String>(result, HttpStatus.CREATED);
String result = null
I have similar tests that return a POJO and it works perfectly
As ekalin said my builder class needed to implement equals and hashcode:
public class NiFiArguments {
private String bucketIdentifier;
private String flowIdentifier;
private String flowVersion;
private String baseUrl;