I have an array consisting of temperatures from different days. My goal is to extract the elements where the temperature is either increasing or decreasing for n number of days.
Lets say we have an array consisting of following temperatures
If we say n=3, then if for example the temperature has increased for two days in a row but then decreases on the third day we don't want to extract that information, only consider the elements where the temperature havs increased/decreased for minimum n days in a row.
Lets say n=3, then from the temp array above, the extraction would be
increasingTemp1=[4,5,7,8,9] ( i.e temp[0:5] )
increasingTemp2=[6,7,8] ( i.e temp[6:9] )
decreasingTemp1=[9,7,6] ( i.e temp[4:7] )
decreasingTemp2=[8,6,5,3,2] ( i.e temp[8:] )
is there a way of doing this?
Guess this is a typical LeetCode array question. I would go through the array once and build up a subarray for each sequence of increasing/decreasing numbers. If the direction of the trend changes I would check whether the length of the subarray is at least n and then would add the subarray to the list of increasing/decreasing arrays.
One implementation could look like this (O(n) time & memory).
def return_arrays(arr,n):
increasing = []
decreasing = []
new_arr = []
for i,elem in enumerate(arr):
if len(new_arr)>1:
if new_arr[0]-new_arr[-1]>=0:
# Decreasing
if new_arr[-1]>=elem:
if len(new_arr)>=n:
new_arr = [new_arr[-1],elem]
# Increasing
if new_arr[-1]<=elem:
if len(new_arr)>=n:
new_arr = [new_arr[-1],elem]
if i==len(arr)-1:
if len(new_arr)>=n:
if new_arr[0]-new_arr[-1]>=0:
return increasing,decreasing
Applying it to your problem you get the following output:
temp = [4,5,7,8,9,7,6,7,8,6,5,4,3,2]
return_arrays(temp,3) # ([[4, 5, 7, 8, 9], [6, 7, 8]], [[9, 7, 6], [8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]])
I hope this helps. You may need to create and check more test cases if you want to make sure the implementation is correct.