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Add new filed on Portal(portal module) Website odoo13

I want to add a new field called about_me to the portal module but when I click the confirm button, an "Unknown field" error appears, could there be something missing in the inhertit template method?

This error

Python code

xml code


  • The controller will check if the fields present in post are also present in MANDATORY_BILLING_FIELDS or in OPTIONAL_BILLING_FIELDS

    @route(['/my/account'], type='http', auth='user', website=True)
    def account(self, redirect=None, **post):
        if post and request.httprequest.method == 'POST':
            error, error_message = self.details_form_validate(post)

    The part of details_form_validate that will return the error message:

    def details_form_validate(self, data):
        unknown = [k for k in data if k not in self.MANDATORY_BILLING_FIELDS + self.OPTIONAL_BILLING_FIELDS]
        if unknown:
            error['common'] = 'Unknown field'
            error_message.append("Unknown field '%s'" % ','.join(unknown))
        return error, error_message

    After that, it will check if there is no error to write values and redirect you to /my/home or the one defined by the redirect parameter.

    To avoid this issue just add your field to OPTIONAL_BILLING_FIELDS :

    from odoo.addons.portal.controllers.portal import CustomerPortal