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how to create new column from difference between two columns?

I create new table using join,listagg etc. I determined two columns as follow using listagg function. That columns are included following information.

Listagg_1_Column | Listagg_2_Column
---------------- |-----------------
123,234,565,321  |  123,234

I want to add new column this table. New column is included difference between Listagg_1_Column and Listagg_2_Column as below


For this, i used replace(Listagg_1_Column,Listagg_2_Column,'') statement but i retrieved wrong consequences. How to get new column by changing query? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • I you have the test data:

    CREATE TABLE data ( col1, col2 ) AS
    SELECT '123,234,565,321', '123,234' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT '123,234,1123,2345', '123,234' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT '123,565,321,234', '123,234' FROM DUAL

    Then you can split the strings using XMLTABLE and use MINUS to find the differences between the two sets and collate the results into a collection then you can aggregate the collection:

    SELECT col1,
           ( SELECT LISTAGG( column_value, ',' ) WITHIN GROUP ( ORDER BY column_value )
             FROM   TABLE( d.new_col )
           ) AS new_col
    FROM   (
      SELECT col1,
                 ( SELECT TO_NUMBER( column_value )
                   FROM   XMLTABLE( ('"' || REPLACE( d.col1, ',', '","' ) || '"') )
                   SELECT TO_NUMBER( column_value )
                   FROM   XMLTABLE( ('"' || REPLACE( d.col2, ',', '","' ) || '"') )
               ) AS SYS.ODCINUMBERLIST
             ) AS new_col
      FROM   data d
    ) d;

    Which outputs:

    COL1              | COL2    | NEW_COL  
    :---------------- | :------ | :--------
    123,234,565,321   | 123,234 | 321,565  
    123,234,1123,2345 | 123,234 | 1123,2345
    123,565,321,234   | 123,234 | 321,565  

    db<>fiddle here