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How to determine the direction of an edge between vertexes in a Graph Database such as OrientDB

How do we know if an edge is an out() going or in() coming in a graph database like OrientDB? I know that edges serve as links between vertexes (which is the same as a relationship between tables in RDMS), but how do we determine the direction. For example, I have some vertexes for Lecturer and courses, here, I want to have one (1) Lecturer to many Courses i.e. one-to-many relationship. So what is the direction of the edge between a lecturer and Courses, is it in() coming to the lecturer or out() going from a lecturer I mean how do I write the query using "select in() from lecturer" or select out() from lecturer? Thanks.


  • The direction of an edge is purely related to the domain and does not impact the traversal performance (ie. starting from a vertex, you can traverse incoming edges with the exact same performance as outgoing edges).

    The important thing is to define the edge "name" in a meaningful way, so that the edge direction is clear.

    I'll try to clarify with an example

    Suppose you have two vertex classes: Person and Car. Suppose you want to create a relationship within the two, to represent ownership (ie. a Person owns a Car).

    Consider these two ways to represent the relationship:

    Person -Owns-> Car


    Person <-BelongsTo- Car

    As you can see, both are clear and represent the domain very well.

    Of course you have infinite alternatives to choose the edge name (btw, verbs are typically a very good choice), so you could choose something like "Ownership". This would be a definitely bad choice as it would not make the direction clear, eg.

    is it

    Person -Ownership-> Car

    or is it

    Person <-Ownership- Car

    Imagine having to do a query on this schema after a few months you don't use it, with tens of relationships that are not semantically clear. You see the problem...

    In the end, it's just a matter of how clear the model is. It's a human problem, not a technical problem.

    I hope it helps