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How do I write test cases to cover the lines within subsribe callback function

In my component, I have this code:

setTakenNcatsNames(): void {
    if (this.settings.route){

    this.dataService.getAll(this.settings.route).subscribe(result => 
            console.log('in herer');
            this.arrTakenNcatsNames = result

How do I write test cases to cover the lines within the .subscribe() callback? My lines within the .subscribe always show up as not covered no matter what I try.[2]

My coverage always show me this:


setTakenNcatsNames(): void {
        Eif (this.settings.route){
            this.dataService.getAll(this.settings.route).subscribe(result => {
                **console.log('in herer');**
                **this.arrTakenNcatsNames = result**


Here is my test case for it, what am I missing here?

describe('setTakenNcatsNames()', () => {
    fit('sets the array for taken NCATS names', fakeAsync(() => {


  • add spy for dataService.getAll

    fit('sets the array for taken NCATS names', fakeAsync(() => {
        const service: DataService = TestBed.get(DataService);
        spyOn(service, "getAll").and.returnValue(of('test');// create a mock result instead of test
        expect(component.arrTakenNcatsNames ).toBe('test');// or mock result 

    This way you can test the block under subscribe