I have the following problem. Let's say I have a request to a server, which gives me a list of ids in a specific order. Other calls are loading the entities and I have them in a separate state:
So simplified my state is similar to this:
topList: [ 7, 3, 1, 4 ],
entities: { // basic ngrx-entity structure
ids: ...
entities: ...
A also simplified version of the component looks like this.
selector: 'my-list-component',
template: `
<div *ngFor="let id in (toplist$ | async)">
<my-single-item-component [entity]="???"></my-single-item-component>
export class MyComponent implements OnInit {
public toplist$ = this.store.pipe(select(getToplist));
public getEntityById$ = this.store.pipe(???)
constructor(store: Store<State>) {}
ngOnInit() { }
So I need to call some selector with an dynamic id from the template.
I found a solution with an Observable function, but then the template gets very ugly. I think this must be a common problem. Does anyone has a neat solution for this?
Thank you!
Another way to tackle the issue is to create a selector for it.
const selectList = createSelector(
(toplist, entities) => {
return toplist.map(top => {
return {
entities: entities.filter(e => e.topId === top.id)
And then you could just iterate over this selector in your view.