I've posted this question before without success.
I have some lines making one user menu getting data from exceljs.
1 - How to put while condition inside this function, to get all rows to menu? Looks like switch(input) doesn't accept loop.
The logic is: * Read costumers.xlsx to get all costumers. * Loop all costumers as menu choices. * After the choice it'll open another xlsx file with the name of chosen costumer ie: 1 - Costumer1 2 - Costumer2 If I chose 1 I'll open costumer1.xlsx
2 - How to take that choice and pass as string to open the xlsx?
sh_costumers = wb_costumers.getWorksheet("Sheet1");
var ic = 2;
while (ic <= sh_costumers.rowCount){
console.log("Row " + sh_costumers.getRow(ic).getCell(1) + " - " + sh_costumers.getRow(ic).getCell(2));
function processChoice(input){
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
var error = undefined;
var func;
case sh_costumers.getRow(2).getCell(1).text :
func = addPreset;
After some researches, I've found something about prompt (npm install prompt).
Now I can read my costumers configuration inside the xlsx file.
on workbook costumers.xlsx I have two columns:
cell1 = id cell2 = costumer's name
on workbook check_(costumer's name).xlsx I have the informations what I want to place somewhere.
That's my code.
const prompt = require('prompt');
var Excel = require('exceljs');
var wb = new Excel.Workbook();
var wbc = new Excel.Workbook();
var ic = 1;
shc = wbc.getWorksheet("Sheet1");
while (ic <= shc.rowCount){
console.log(shc.getRow(ic).getCell(1).value +" - "+ shc.getRow(ic).getCell(2).value);
prompt.get(['costumer'], function (err, result) {
if (err) { return onErr(err); }
var costumer = shc.getRow(result.costumer).getCell(2).value;
sh = wb.getWorksheet("Sheet1");
function onErr(err) {
return 1;