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How to retrieve single record for a column based on SQL Server CASE statement

I am trying to write a SQL Server CASE statement to retrieve a student's category based on the following condition.

If the category column from the student_category table has both values 'X' and 'Y' for a student_id value from the student table, then only display the record where value is 'Y'.

If the category has either values 'X' or 'Y', then display the records with that value.

If the category does not have values 'X' or 'Y', display a blank for the column i.e. if there are any other categories except 'X' or 'Y', display a blank.

Thus, I should only have one row of data for each student_id even if they have multiple categories. However, I am still getting multiple records for each student_id with more than one category. Any ideas on what I might be missing ?

       WHEN sc.category = 'X' AND sc.category = 'Y' THEN 'Y'
       WHEN sc.category = 'X' OR sc.category = 'Y' THEN sc.category
       ELSE ''
    END AS student_cat
    student s
    student_category sc ON s.student_id = sc.student_id


  • You are having two rows returned because, regardless of what conditions you put in that CASE statement of yours, for a certain student ID, there are two records from the join between student and student_category. Without some sort of aggregation, you will have two rows.

    There are a few ways to solve this. This is how I would do it:

    SELECT  s.student_id,
            --Check how many of each category there are for the student
            CASE WHEN sc.Number_of_x = 1 AND sc.Number_of_y = 1 THEN 'Y'
                 WHEN sc.Number_of_x = 1 AND sc.Number_of_y = 0 THEN 'X'
                 WHEN sc.Number_of_x = 0 AND sc.Number_of_y = 1 THEN 'Y'
                                                                ELSE ''
            END AS student_cat
    FROM    student AS s
            LEFT JOIN (
                      --Aggregate the categories per student so that we only have 1 line
                      --per student_id
                      SELECT    student_id,
                                SUM( IIF( sc.category = 'X', 1, 0 ) ) AS Number_of_x,
                                SUM( IIF( sc.category = 'Y', 1, 0 ) ) AS Number_of_y,
                      FROM      student_category AS sc
                      GROUP BY  student_id
                      ) AS sc
                ON      s.student_id = sc.student_id

    This way you first aggregate the student_category table in a sub-query to return 1 row per student, then check those counts to determine the category.

    This is assuming the only categories are X and Y, and there can only ever be 0 or 1 of either category.

    I find it helps to just write SELECT * with a sample of the data before writing queries using DISTINCT or CASE statement to see what it looks like raw, and how many rows there are.