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Cannot convert type to 'System.Drawing.Image' an explicit conversion exists

New to this, I'm using Spinnaker SDK example for a FLIR (PointGrey) camera. I'm trying to convert the 'convertedImage' for use in a PictureBox in Windows Forms and get an error "Cannot implicitly convert type to 'System.Drawing.Image'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)". Can you give me an idea what I need to do? Thanks!

Tried everything including basic explicit casts.

//Part of Spinnaker SDK example:    
using (IManagedImage convertedImage = 
    String filename = "TriggerQS-CSharp-";
    if (deviceSerialNumber != "")
        filename = filename + deviceSerialNumber + "-";
    Image testImage = convertedImage; 


  • I had the same problem. The Spinnaker type IManagedImage has a property called ManagedData, which is a 1d vector containing all the bytes of your image. If you have colors as in my example below, they are interleaved.

    //cv.ManagedData is a one D array of all pixels in all colors
            int nx = 2592;
            int ny = 1944; //7776/3 = 2592  stride, i.e. rgb are interleaved
            byte[,,] data = new byte[ny, nx, 3];
            for (int j = 0; j < ny; j++)
                for (int i = 0; i < nx; i++)
                    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                        data[j,i, k] = cv.ManagedData[j * 3 * nx + 3 * i + k];
            //emgu cv accepts the [,,] byte array
            Image<Bgr, Byte> im0 = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(data);