I thought React was just reloading the things I needed - in my case it looks different or I've done something wrong.
I have table of employees. For each employee in single day I can set start and end of work time. Like this:
const ScheduleRow = React.memo((props) => {
return (
// number of row - doesn't matter
<th className="text-center">{ props.no }</th>
{ ["2020-01-01", "2020-01-02", "2020-01-03", "2020-01-04" /* etc */ ].map(
date => { return (
<ScheduleCell date={ date } employee_id={ props.employee_id }/>
)}) }
const ScheduleCell = React.memo((props) => {
const dispatch = useDispatch()
let schedule_id = `${props.employee_id}:${props.date}`
const schedule = useSelector(state => state.schedules)[schedule_id] || null
/* some code here - not changing state */
return (
<Form.Control type="text" value={schedule?.begin}
onChange={(e) => dispatch({
schedule_id: schedule_id,
property: "begin",
value: e.target.value
<Form.Control type="text" value={schedule?.cease}
onChange={(e) => dispatch({
schedule_id: schedule_id,
property: "cease",
value: e.target.value
You can see that I have console.log() in ScheduleCell before return which prints date of day which is editing. I belive that when I change cell ( e.g date "2020-01-02" ) I should see only "2020-01-02" in console. But I see every dates from array in ScheduleRow it's mean that React modify every cells even if I changed only one cell.
What is wrong with my reasoning and how can improve it to reload only editing cell ?
Make sure you add a proper key
prop to your <ScheduleCell/>
elements. Without this, React won't correlate that the same component instance should be reused on re-render. Same goes for whatever renders <ScheduleRow/>
const ScheduleRow = React.memo((props) => {
return (
<th className="text-center">{ props.no }</th> // number of row - doesn't matter
{ ["2020-01-01", "2020-01-02", "2020-01-03", "2020-01-04" /* etc */ ].map(date => { return (
<ScheduleCell key={ date } date={ date } employee_id={ props.employee_id }/>
)}) }
only memoizes the output within the context of a component instance if the props are the same as the last time that instance rendered. For more on how this works, read up on React's Reconciliation.