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Unable to resolve javax.transaction.xa partial=true

I am trying to use dbcp2 from apache-commons to setup a datasource, but I cannot install commons-dpcp2 bundle because it is complaining about a missing requirement javax.transaction.xa package version>=1.1.0 mandatory:=partial; partial=true.

This exact version is installed in the runtime via karaf's transaction feature (on 4.2.1) (albeit WITHOUT the mandatory:=partial;partial=true directive or flag or whatever you wanna call it)

So it appears I cannot install dbcp2 and use it without hacking... Anyone have a "normal" solution to this problem or i have to tear my shirt open like Conan and repackage dbcp2?

Also if anyone from apache packaging stumbles upon this , why you gotta package it in such a "funny" way??? Why append these make-shift flags that ultimately do nothing?? Quit it.


  • What a coincidence ;) - It's fixed and explained by