Consider a simple situation such as finding the k'th smallest element in a BST.
In my solution below:
class Solution:
def kthSmallest(self, root: TreeNode, k: int) -> int:
i = 0
ans = -1
def traverse_inorder(root):
nonlocal i
nonlocal ans
if not root:
i += 1
if i == k:
ans = root.val
return ans
Is my use of nonlocal
for i
and ans
good practice? I do this to keep track of how many elements I've traversed after reaching the left most node (smallest value).
Another solution would be to have i
and ans
as member variables of the class:
class Solution:
def kthSmallest(self, root: TreeNode, k: int) -> int:
self.i = 0
self.ans = -1
def traverse_inorder(root):
# etc etc
Are both methods equivalent? Is one practice better than the other, and why?
I think that under the circumstances you describe, the nonlocal
approach objectively makes more sene than the other one you show. Your goal is to have a counter outside your function and a way to keep track of the result when it is found regardless of where you are in the recursion.
completely encapsulates that information in a namespace dedicated to the particular run of your outer function. There is really no downside here.
Using instance attributes makes that information available to anyone using the instance. This is unnecessary conceptually, marginally slower, and not thread-safe. While thread safety is often not a concern in Python, it does make your code much less robust. Between that and encapsulation, I would definitely stay away from this approach.
I would suggest a third possibility here: using return values. In that case, your really don't need any external namespace. I don't necessarily recommend this over using nonlocal
, but it's worth mentioning. Here is a sample implementation, which as you can see is much more verbose than your solution:
class Solution:
def kthSmallest(self, root: TreeNode, k: int) -> int:
def traverse_inorder(root, target):
if not root:
return 0, None
left_count, item = traverse_inorder(root.left, target)
if left_count == target - 1:
return left_count + 1, root.val
elif left_count < target:
right_count, item = traverse_inorder(root.right, target - left_count - 1)
return left_count + right_count + 1, item
else: # left_count == target
return left_count, item
count, ans = traverse_inorder(root, k)
if count < k:
raise ValueError('Insufficient elements')
return ans
There are many ways to do this with return values. Here, I compute the number of elements in each subtree, up to the target value. A non-none item is only returned if the exact number of elements is found.