I want to create parameterized tests with Flutter. I have forEach loop that I want to use to generate parameterized tests based on what application responds to me. Any ideas how to do it? I thought of:
group('Group for tests', () {
test("Get necessary list from app_handler", () {
expect(app_handler.async_function1(driver).then((value) => myListOfItems), completes;
expect(myListOfItems, isNotEmpty);
myListOfItems.forEach((myItem) {
test("Test for $myItem", () {
expect(app_handler.async_function2(driver, myItem), completes);
but this does not work. myListOfItems
fails empty check in the first test and it should be a populated list.
So I somehow need to prepare test cases dynamically based on what app responds to me during test.
So thanks to @Alessio discussion and @jamesdlin comment I ended up with solution that involves creating a file with data after one test and then using this file during another test.
group('Smoke test', () {
test("Get my vals", () async {
final myVals= await app_handler.getMyVals(driver);
expect(myVals, isNotEmpty);
final file = File('myVals.json');
}, tags: "Test_1");
group('Main test', () {
final file = File('myVals.json');
final myVals = (json.decode(file.readAsStringSync())['exceptions'] as List).cast<String>();
myVals.forEach((myVal) {
test("Test $myVal", () {
expect(app_handler.async_func(driver, myVal), completes);
}, tags: "Test_2"););
So test executor will first call test with first tag then with second and during second testrun tests will be generated dynamically.