I have a scene with several triangles on it with different colors and so on which the users can create when they touch the view. The triangle is placed where the user touched the view and is added to a topView (which is linked to a context menu but this is something different).
I want to apply the current transformation of my triangle after the animation has finished. Right now it animates it 4 times and when the animation has finished it shrinks abrupt without an animation and places it not at the old position.
let invertedTransform = topView.transform.inverted()
let triangles = TriangleView()
triangles.transform = invertedTransform
for triangle in triangleArray {
UIView.animate(withDuration: 1, delay: 0, options: [.repeat,.autoreverse], animations: {
triangle.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 2.4, y: 2.4) }, completion: { done in
if done {
triangle.transform = CGAffineTransform(scaleX: 1, y: 1)
I think the mistake is in the completion part.The .autoreverse option is doing the reverse animation fine but when it finishes it doesn't shrink back.
How can I save my the current transformation of my triangle and set a pulsating animation for it?
I forgot to mention that the every triangle has a rotation value which is stored in a database:
The default transformation which is indeed given through the .identity method is the rotation value 0. When a rotation is applied on a triangle object it should set it back to the original value which is stored in the triangle object above:
let triangles = TriangleView(x: touchpoint.x, y: touchpoint.y, rotation: triangle.rotation.value)
The completion part should probably be (not enough code provided to test it):
if done {
triangle.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity // or just .identity
That sets the transform state back to "original" / "no transform".
If your object already has a transform, you'll need to either save it or re-create it.
So, for example, add a property to your TriangleView
that saves its "initial" state:
var initialTransform: CGAffineTransform!
When you init the view and setup the rotation transform, save that:
self.initialTransform = self.transform
Your animation completion then becomes:
if done {
triangle.transform = triangle.initialTransform