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Single NGINX-Ingress Controller for subdomains that have resources in separate namespaces

Can anyone explain to me how to set up a SINGLE nginx ingress controller with configuration that I currently have, as follows:

  • A.MY-SITE.COM = Service, Ingress, Pods..etc live under the "A" namespace
  • B.MY-SITE.COM = Service, Ingress, Pods..etc live under the "B" namepsace

I've seen here

This seems to be on the right track, but it's for paths "/cafe". When I need it to be "".

The main reason I want to do this is I don't want to have to install an ingress controller for every client (namespace) we have.


  • So I figured this out, The default HELM nginx-ingress controller installation works fine without SSL certificates. NGINX Controller actually does work with ingress resources from various namespaces.

    I installed my * certificate and key using

    kubectl create secret tls {SECRET_NAME} --key {KEY_FILE} --cert {CERT_FILE}

    Then in the nginx-ingress-controller deployment I added:

     - --default-ssl-certificate=tenancy/whatevername-wildcard={NAMESPACE}/{SECRET_NAME}

    The ingresses live in the namespace. For example:

    Namespace A: Ingress -> Host:

    Namespace B: Ingress with host:

    the only thing listed in the annotations for the ingress controllers is "nginx"

    All domains points to the nginx load balancer IP.

    Now it works perfectly. Very simple, but it was also very unclear scouring through the docs.