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Ansible “become” plugin doesn't work when password variable is set in playbook

I have a remote user without sudo and servers with forbidden ssh for root. So I try to use next approach for privilege escalation:

- block:
  - name: Get hardware password
    shell: |
      slcli --format json hardware detail --passwords {{ hostname }}
    register: json_answer
    delegate_to: localhost
  - name: set hardwareInfo variable
      hardwareInfo: "{{ json_answer.stdout|from_json }}"
  - name: set password variable
      ansible_become_pass: "{{ hardwareInfo | to_json | from_json | json_query(password_query) }}"
      password_query: "users[?username==`root`].password"
  no_log: true

- name: Install repository deb
  shell: |
    dpkg -i {{ deb_repo_url }}
  become: yes
  become_method: su
  become_user: root

But I get error:

{ "msg": "Incorrect su password", "_ansible_no_log": false }

I checked out ansible_become_pass variable and it has correct password.


  • Found that my variable was in wrong format (array instead of string).

        "changed": false,
        "ansible_facts": {
            "ansible_become_pass": [
        "_ansible_no_log": false

    Changed set_fact to this and now it's works

    - name: set password variable
        ansible_become_pass: "{{ hardwareInfo | to_json | from_json | json_query(password_query) | join('') }}"