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Default Primary Key in GraphQL DynamoDB Schema?

I'm creating my first schema for a new DynamoDB using graphql in AWS Amplify. I noticed many examples where there is no @key directive to define the primary key such as "Product" below:

type Inventory @model
  @key(name: "byWarehouseID", fields: ["warehouseID"], queryField: "itemsByWarehouseID")
  @key(fields: ["productID", "warehouseID"]) {
  productID: ID!
  warehouseID: ID!
  inventoryAmount: Int!

type Product @model {
  id: ID!
  name: String!
  orders: [Order] @connection(keyName: "byProduct", fields: ["id"])
  inventories: [Inventory] @connection(fields: ["id"])

Is the first field automatically used as the primary key (partition key)?


  • Your question made me realize how poorly documented is this behavior. The closest I found is in this article:

    If you don't specify a key Amplify/AppSync does that for you, creating an id field Like it does with other fields (i.e: createdAt, updatedAt)

    Because no default @key annotation was specified, the AccountRepresentative table has the default id partition/hash key.