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Fine-tuned Inception V3 output tensor shape

I was following the tutorial provided in Tensorflow Slim repository to fine-tune the InceptionV3 model with flowers dataset. I was able to go all the way to the end of the tutorial in terms of freezing the graph and utilizing it in my own code. However, I was under the impression the fine-tuning of the model with change the output tensor from (?, 1001) to (?, 5) shape. But the shape is still (?, 1001). Am I missing something here?

I was testing it out with the flowers dataset, but eventually my goal is to train a model with classes not present in the 1001 from ImageNet.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


  • The official documentation does not provide all the arguments required for exporting the inference graph. Switched from

    $ python \
      --alsologtostderr \
      --model_name=inception_v3 \


    python3 \
        --alsologtostderr \
        --model_name=inception_v3 \
        --train_dir=training/ \
        --dataset_dir=/tmp/flowers/ \
        --dataset_name=flowers \