I want to add account, which has some information readable by all users. According to documentation the user needs to have permissions can_get_all_acc_detail. So I'm trying to add those with creating new role:
tx = self.iroha.transaction([
self.iroha.command('CreateRole', role_name='info', permissions=[primitive_pb2.can_get_all_acc_detail])
tx = IrohaCrypto.sign_transaction(tx, account_private_key)
Unfortunately after sending transaction I see status:
status_name:ENOUGH_SIGNATURES_COLLECTED, status_code:9, error_code:0(OK)
But then it is taking 5 minutes until timeout.
I've notices that transaction json has different way of embedding permissions than in generic block:
payload {
reduced_payload {
commands {
create_role {
role_name: "info_account"
permissions: can_get_all_acc_detail
creator_account_id: "admin@example"
created_time: 1589408498074
quorum: 1
signatures {
public_key: "92f9f9e10ce34905636faff41404913802dfce9cd8c00e7879e8a72085309f4f"
signature: "568b69348aa0e9360ea1293efd895233cb5a211409067776a36e6647b973280d2d0d97a9146144b9894faeca572d240988976f0ed224c858664e76416a138901"
In compare in genesis.block it is:
"createRole": {
"roleName": "money_creator",
"permissions": [
I'm using iroha version 1.1.3 (but also tested on 1.1.1), python iroha sdh version is
does the account you used to execute the 'Create Role' command have the "can_create_role" permission?