I wrote a function that would gather information on a particular stock after parsing it from yahoo finance. Now at the end of the function, I would leave the user the option to search another quote or go back to the homepage. When the user clicks this option, the program crashes, saying the arrays must all be the same length. I assume since the data that was gathered from the previous quote was already registered within the function, and wont allow the user to overwrite and parse. How would i fix this problem? Please advise.
import random
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def tickersymbol():
tickersymbol = input("What company would you like information on?")
url = ('https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/'+tickersymbol+'?p='+tickersymbol+'&.tsrc=fin-srch')
response = requests.get(url)
htmltext = response.text
for indicator in Indicators :
splitlist = htmltext.split(indicator)
afterfirstsplit =splitlist[1].split("\">")[2]
aftersecondsplit = afterfirstsplit.split("</span>")
datavalue = aftersecondsplit[0]
for values in Misc:
splitlist = htmltext.split(values)
afterfirstsplit =splitlist[1].split("\">")[1]
aftersecondsplit = afterfirstsplit.split("</td>")
netset = aftersecondsplit[0]
df = pd.DataFrame(Indicators)
array = np.transpose(df)
task = input('''
Would you like to continue?
[1] : Yes, Look at another Symbol ##Here is where the problem starts.
[2] : No, Go back to main
if task == "1":
return tickersymbol()
elif task == "2":
return main()
print("Try to answer that one again")
Indicators =
{"Previous Close" : [], "Open" : [], "Bid" : [] , "Ask": [], 'Volume': [], 'Avg. Volume': [], 'Market Cap': [], 'Beta': [], 'PE Ratio (TTM)': [], 'EPS (TTM)': [], 'Earnings Date': [], 'Ex-Dividend Date': [], '1y Target Est' : []}
Misc =
{'52 Week Range' :[], "Day's Range": [], 'Dividend & Yield' : []}
Issue found with software was line:
tickersymbol = input("What company would you like information on?")
Since this is the same as the function name, this causes an error when you try to call the function again i.e.
return tickersymbol()
Remedy, change line to:
tickersymbol_ = input("What company would you like information on?")
url = ('https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/'+tickersymbol_+'?p='+tickersymbol_+'&.tsrc=fin-srch')
Other Revisions
error checking -- use try/except block
control flow--use while loop rather than function calling itself
indicator and misc--inside function so they are reset for each stock processed
main calls tickersymbol, which returns to it upon completion
Revised Code
import random
import requests
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def main():
def tickersymbol():
while True:
skip = False
tickersymbol_ = input("What company would you like information on?")
url = ('https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/'+tickersymbol_+'?p='+tickersymbol_+'&.tsrc=fin-srch')
response = requests.get(url)
htmltext = response.text
# Reset Indicator and Misc
Indicators = {"Previous Close" : [], "Open" : [], "Bid" : [] , "Ask": [], 'Volume': [], 'Avg. Volume': [], 'Market Cap': [], 'Beta': [], 'PE Ratio (TTM)': [], 'EPS (TTM)': [], 'Earnings Date': [], 'Ex-Dividend Date': [], '1y Target Est' : []}
Misc = {'52 Week Range' :[], "Day's Range": [], 'Dividend & Yield' : []}
for indicator in Indicators :
splitlist = htmltext.split(indicator)
afterfirstsplit =splitlist[1].split("\">")[2]
aftersecondsplit = afterfirstsplit.split("</span>")
datavalue = aftersecondsplit[0]
print('Error with stock')
skip = True
if skip:
continue # continues with the outer while loop
for values in Misc:
splitlist = htmltext.split(values)
afterfirstsplit =splitlist[1].split("\">")[1]
aftersecondsplit = afterfirstsplit.split("</td>")
netset = aftersecondsplit[0]
print('Error with stock')
skip = True
if skip:
continue # continues with outer while loop
df = pd.DataFrame(Indicators)
array = np.transpose(df)
task = input('''
Would you like to continue?
[1] : Yes, Look at another Symbol ##Here is where the problem starts.
[2] : No, Go back to main
if task == "1":
continue # continues with outer while loop
elif task == "2":
return # done with tickersymbol function
print("Try to answer that one again")
if __name__ == "__main__":