Search code examples

Manage keyboard events on a NSSearchfield without subclassing

I have a view with many outlets and a NSSearchfield, i want to do something interesting with the outlets if the user press up arrow in the searchfield. I want to do this without subclassing because i have some problems accesing the outlets from other class

EDIT: My problem with the outlets is that i can't change their stringvalue from my subclass

if ([event keyCode]==126){
        Myclass* c= [[Myclass alloc] init]; // the class that have the outlets
        [c searchf];} //function that something interesting with the outlets 


  • There's a delegate method you can use:

    - (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL)command {
        if (control == yourSearchField && command == @selector(moveUp:)) {
            // do custom stuff
            return YES;
        return NO;