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How to reset chapter and section counter with \part*

Sorry for bad english

I have a problem with my Latex code (I'm not very good in coding). I want an output like this:

 Part I

   Chapter I
   Chapter II

 Part II

   Chapter I
   Chapter II

I also wanted to create a box around my title of the parts , this doesn't work like I wanted, so I used \part* and \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{PART I} (to write the line in the table of content).So the code is:

  \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{PART I}

I saw this methode to reset the counter of the chapters:


but this doesn't work, I think it's due to use of \part*.

Has anyone an idea? THNANKS!

Hope the example bellow can help:)








  • As you already know the solution for \part, how about simply using this and make it look like \part*? This has the advantage that you could add the boxes around the part titles automatically.
