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How to build a bookdown book that is not in the top-level directory in RStudio?

The bookdown docs say after setting up _bookdown.yml appropriately,

Then you can click the Build Book button in the Build pane in RStudio to compile the Rmd files into a book

I see no "Build Book" button in my RStudio, even after restart.

> packageVersion('bookdown')
[1] ‘0.18’

Here is my _bookdown.yml:

rmd_files: ["one.Rmd", "two.Rmd", "three.Rmd"]
site: "bookdown::bookdown_site"
    lib_dir: "book_assets"
    keep_tex: yes
delete_merged_file: true

I wonder if it's because my _bookdown.yml and my .Rmd files are not in the top-level directory. I want to make a book a week, so I have a subdirectory for each book. I use the same top-level project, so I can share code among books.

So if I am correct about the subdirectory being the problem: how to build a bookdown book that is not in the top-level directory in RStudio?

Otherwise, is there something else I should check?

EDIT: I'm just working on a function to build the book instead, something like:

make_book <- function(subdir) {
  # note: input doesn't matter, because config_file will have the book


  • I would recommend keeping this idea of the function. Use this one instead:

    make_book <- function(subdir) { 
    origwd <- setwd(file.path('dir', subdir))
     bookdown::render_book(input='_bookdown.yml', config_file='_bookdown.yml')