Hi my query below is summing multiple values based on @cropseasons in my table. Since i have 4 crop seasons it seems to be multiplying the values by 4 since i have crop season as 1, 2, 3 or 4. All i want is values for 1 crop season. Can anyone assist? I have crop season in both tables.
With Summary as (
Select B_NAME as Branch, LOC as Location
,SUM(payment) as Gallons
,SUM(case when printed = 1 THEN Fee ELSE NULL END) as FeeCollected
,SUM(case when printed = 0 THEN Fee ELSE NULL END) as FeeNotCollected
,SUM(case when printed = 1 THEN Payment ELSE NULL END) as GallonsIssued
,SUM(case when printed = 0 THEN Payment ELSE NULL END) as GallonsNotIssued
From SicbWeeklyDeliveriesFuelArchive F Inner Join FarmerGroups G ON G.BSI_CODE = F.BSI_CODE
Where F.CROP_SEASON = @cropseason
Group By B_NAME, LOC
,((GallonsIssued/Gallons) * 100) as pct_GallonsCollected
FROM Summary
Order by Location, Branch
+-------+----------+-------------+-----+---------+------+-------------+---------+ | ID | BSI_CODE | B_NAME | LOC | PAYMENT | FEE | CROP_SEASON | PRINTED | +-------+----------+-------------+-----+---------+------+-------------+---------+ | 18735 | 2176 | SAN NARCISO | CZ | 85 | 8.5 | 4 | 0 | | 18738 | 2176 | SAN NARCISO | CZ | 65 | 6.5 | 4 | 0 | | 18739 | 10494 | SAN NARCISO | CZ | 85 | 8.5 | 3 | 0 | +-------+----------+-------------+-----+---------+------+-------------+---------+
+-------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | ID | BSI_CODE | CROP_SEASON | BRANCH | +-------+----------+-------------+-------------+ | 10473 | 2176 | 4 | SAN NARCISO | | 11478 | 2176 | 3 | SAN NARCISO | | 12787 | 10494 | 4 | SAN ROMAN | +-------+----------+-------------+-------------+
It seems your join criteria is incomplete. The tables share BSI_CODE
, so I guess you want:
FROM sicbweeklydeliveriesfuelarchive f
JOIN farmergroups g ON g.bsi_code = f.bsi_code AND g.crop_season = f.crop_season
WHERE f.crop_season = @cropseason
But that's just guessing. Only you know how the tables are really related, what their rows represent, what columns make a row unique and what result you are actually after. Why do you join farmergroups
at all? It looks like you are not really using the table in your query.