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HERE Maps Intermodal Routing API v8 Example does not work (API Key Auth)

HERE Maps newbie here,

I have set up an account and tried to run the example for intermodal routing (Link)

I basically copy pasted the GET request into the browser and replaced {YOUR_API_KEY} with a key that I have generated in advance({MY_API_KEY}):{MY_API_KEY}&alternatives=2&destination=52.40358749909618,13.058351363288239&origin=52.53105637575095,13.384944833815183

This is the response that I am getting:

{"error":"Unauthorized","error_description":"Bearer token invalid. Bearer missing or bearer value missing."}

Other API requests work like a charm with the same API key - e.g. the below normal route request works:{MY_API_KEY}&transportMode=car&origin=52.5308,13.3847&destination=52.5264,13.3686

I also tried to replace "apyKey=" with "apiKey=" in the topmost request, but the response stays the same...

Am I missing something (else) or is there something broken with the apiKey Auth for this API?



  • It works with apikey, so:{MY_API_KEY}&alternatives=2&destination=52.40358749909618,13.058351363288239&origin=52.53105637575095,13.384944833815183

    Normally apiKey or apikey should work, but it seems the service doesn't accept the one with capital "K"

    apyKey looks like documentation issue.