How could I stop a running file or kill it (.bat file) ?
I used a code in function to open it :
p = subprocess.Popen(str(filepath), shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
so I want to make another function that kills/close the same file but I need help with that
I tried something like that :|
p = subprocess.Popen('exit ' + str(filepath), shell=True, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
I need your help please and Thanks ♥
In terminal to close a opened programe you can use: taskkill /IM AppName >nul Example: taskkill /IM notepad++.exe >nul
Now you can use os library to type that:
#// Import
import os
#// Global Var's
appName:str = "notepad++"
appExtension:str = "exe"
#// Logic
os.system(f'cmd /c "taskkill /IM {appName}.{appExtension} >nul"')