I have a rule to ignore secret.py (production.py in my case) and once I added .gcloudignore, github stopped following that rule... Is there some sort of a rule overriding between gitignore and gcloudignore that I am not aware of?
my .gitignore:
my .gcloudignore:
# This file specifies files that are *not* uploaded to Google Cloud Platform
# using gcloud. It follows the same syntax as .gitignore, with the addition of
# "#!include" directives (which insert the entries of the given .gitignore-style
# file at that point).
# For more information, run:
# $ gcloud topic gcloudignore
# If you would like to upload your .git directory, .gitignore file or files
# from your .gitignore file, remove the corresponding line
# below:
End result is that the 'local.py' is NOT pushed to google cloud NOR github. However, 'production.py' IS pushed to github AND gcloud.
If you had previously (perhaps accidentally) submitted a change to git that included my-project/my-project/settings/production.py
, then it will remain a part of the repository even if it is subsequently added to .gitignore
Assuming you are at the root of your project, you can use
$ git log my-project/my-project/settings/production.py
to see its git history. If it is present in your repo, you can do
$ git rm --cached my-project/my-project/settings/production.py
to remove it from the repo, but keep it in your local (working) environment.