this is for the current score in the class:
private var score: Int = 0
def initialiseTest2(): Game = {
return new Game(List((3,3),(3,4),(3,5),(5,3),(5,4),(5,5)), List((4,4,(x: Int) => x+1), (6,3, if(score == 0){ (x: Int) => x+1 }else { (x: Int) => x+3 })), 3,2)
def initialiseTest2
is in object and the part where there is the if(score == 0)
that part I need to call the private var score how can I do that, when I just type score it gives an error saying not found: value score
Create a getter function to return the copy of score. Then, you can access the current score from the tests.
object Score {
private var score: Int = 0
def currentScore(): Int = score