In the docker file:
from debian:latest
RUN apt-get install parallel
RUN parallel --citation <<< "will cite"
And the docker build simply does not complete because of this entry process. How to install parallel?
RUN yes 'will cite' | parallel --citation
Is one possible answer.
For a history on GNU-parallel (and original script):
It appears that recent devs introduced this 'will cite' viral-marketing concept. I guess it isn't as bad as naming a then-2000 year old math equation after oneself (sorry Pythagoras), but it is annoying when spinning up images in a commercial context.
If it continues to be a problem on your images, consider setting up a makefile or running the original parallel code (see link above).
I have also never gotten parallel to work on multiple computers -- TLDR -> Too Complicated, Never Tried -- and may instead look into pexec:
pxec: execute command in parallel on remote machines
This would be the map operation in a unix-style MAP->REDUCE implementation. On the remote box, make or GNU-parallel could still be used.