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KlarnaHybridSDK - Getting swamped with the message "Notifying Native Hook" [ANDROID]

Problem description

When debugging the web portion of my app either in chrome://inspect/#devices or directly in android studio I can see that I'm getting swamped with the message "Notifying Native Hook". When using chrome://inspect/#devices to inspect the web page used in the app I see that the message has the source VM298:5 (quite sure that I've seen it with another number as well after VM). When clicking on the source I find the following function:

 (function () {
     if (document.readyState === "complete") {
         var foundMessageBridge = false
         function notifyMessageBridge() {
            console.log("Notifying Native Hook")
             if (window.__KlarnaNativeHook != null) {
                 console.log("Klarna Native Hook was notified")
                 foundMessageBridge = true
             } else {
                 window.setTimeout(notifyMessageBridge, 500)
     window.addEventListener('load', () => {
         let interval = null
         let notifyMessageBridge = () => {
             if (window.__KlarnaNativeHook != null) {
         interval = setInterval(notifyMessageBridge, 500)

Which finally led me to that it has something to do with Klarna. Since I'm getting swamped with this I suppose that my app is not getting into the if (window.__KlarnaNativeHook != null).

After some debugging I noticed the following:

  • When I start the interaction with Klarna my app enters if (window.__KlarnaNativeHook != null). But only once and the spamming resumes afterwards.
  • If I remove the line (activity as MainActivity).klarnaHybridSDK.addWebView(myWebView) the message swamping stops. Which I suppose is not that surprising.
  • Apart from my app's web page empty untitled web pages are generated which only prints out "Notifying Native Hook" in the console and nothing else, no code, nothing.
  • Apart from the swamping the app is working fine with Klarna.

I'm not sure if this is a bug in the SDK or an error of mine.

Any suggestions on how to stop the spamming "Notifying Native Hook"? (I know how to filter it, but 120 messages/min * (my app's webpage + the untitleds generated) and doing it every time is getting tiresome)



class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), KlarnaHybridSDKCallback {
    lateinit var klarnaHybridSDK : KlarnaHybridSDK
    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        klarnaHybridSDK = KlarnaHybridSDK("myapp://", this)
    override fun didHideFullscreenContent(webView: WebView, completion: OnCompletion) {
        Timber.i("Klarna didHideFullscreenContent called")

    override fun didShowFullscreenContent(webView: WebView, completion: OnCompletion) {
        Timber.i("Klarna didShowFullscreenContent called")

    override fun onErrorOccurred(webView: WebView, error: KlarnaMobileSDKError) {
        Timber.i("Klarna onErrorOccurred called")
        Timber.i("Klarna Error: $error")

    override fun willHideFullscreenContent(webView: WebView, completion: OnCompletion) {
        Timber.i("Klarna willHideFullscreenContent called")

    override fun willShowFullscreenContent(webView: WebView, completion: OnCompletion) {
        Timber.i("Klarna willShowFullscreenContent called")

Fragment Class

class myFragment : Fragment() {
    override fun onCreateView(
        inflater: LayoutInflater,
        container: ViewGroup?,
        savedInstanceState: Bundle?
    ): View? {
        myWebView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
        val context = this.activity?.applicationContext
                myWebView, context
            ), "Android")
        myWebView.settings.loadWithOverviewMode = true
        myWebView.settings.useWideViewPort = true
        myWebView.settings.domStorageEnabled = true
            myWebView.settings.mixedContentMode = WebSettings.MIXED_CONTENT_COMPATIBILITY_MODE
            myWebView.settings.cacheMode = WebSettings.LOAD_NO_CACHE
            if(this.activity?.applicationInfo?.flags != 0 && ApplicationInfo.FLAG_DEBUGGABLE != 0) {
        ticketWebView.webViewClient = object: WebViewClient(){
            override fun onPageStarted(view: WebView?, url: String?, favicon: Bitmap?) {
                super.onPageStarted(view, url, favicon)

            override fun onPageFinished(view: WebView?, url: String?) {
                super.onPageFinished(view, url)
                if (view != null) {
                    (activity as MainActivity).klarnaHybridSDK.newPageLoad(view)

            override fun onReceivedError(view: WebView?, request: WebResourceRequest?, error: WebResourceError?) {

            override fun onReceivedHttpError(view: WebView?, request: WebResourceRequest?, errorResponse: WebResourceResponse?) {
                super.onReceivedHttpError(view, request, errorResponse)
                    //Added to prevent Klarna's address search failing to cause the app to show the error screen.
                    if (request?.url.toString().contains("")) {
                        Timber.i("Ignoring error since it's simply Klarna's address search failing")
            override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView?, request: WebResourceRequest?): Boolean {
                val url = request?.url
                return (activity as MainActivity).klarnaHybridSDK.shouldFollowNavigation(url.toString())

            /*To handle cases where the target API < 21*/
            override fun shouldOverrideUrlLoading(view: WebView?, url: String?): Boolean {
                return (activity as MainActivity).klarnaHybridSDK.shouldFollowNavigation(url.toString())
        val url = "myAppUrl.php"
        val postData = "data=" + URLEncoder.encode(data, "UTF-8").toString()
        myWebView.postUrl(url, postData.toByteArray())
         return root

Steps to reproduce

  1. Started the app

  2. Opened chrome://inspect/#devices in Chrome.

  3. Located the relevant web page

  4. Pressed "Inspect"

Expected behavior

Not getting swamped with the message in my console.

Device and version:

  • Device: Samsung A10

  • OS version: Android 9

  • Klarna In-App SDK version:


  • Firstly, thanks for reporting this issue. Fortunately, this problem will be fixed with a future release.

    To give you more insight, this currently is an issue when the SDK tries to notify Klarna components in a WebView with no content; thus resulting in a page called ‘untitled’ with excessive number of logs.

    Temporarily, this can be avoided by adding the WebView to the Hybrid SDK when a page is loaded.

    Edit: @Myalakin We would like to inform you that this issue has been fixed by the latest releases of our SDK.