I have a parent node which has a child, and this child has another child etc.. and they are all in a TreeView
So I create a global variable to save all my nodes as:
private TreeNodeCollection ProjectTreeView { get; set; }
Then I set data of the tree node into my global variable:
ProjectTreeView = this.tvProjectList.Nodes[0].Nodes;
And When I click a button I want to filter my TreeView, so first I clear the TreeView, then I iterate over the collection and only show the nodes that meet my condition:
private void rdoIssued_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//blocks repainting tree till all objects loaded
foreach (TreeNode projectNode in ProjectTreeView)
if (bool.Parse(projectNode.Tag.ToString().Split('|')[8]) == true)
//enables redrawing tree after all objects have been added
The problem is it only clone the first Node but not the children. How can I clone a node with all children?
Doing the opposite is much easier. You could iterate through all the nodes to keep the filtered nodes and remove the rest. First, create a backup for the 0-level nodes.
public partial class YourForm : Form
public YourForm()
private List<TreeNode> ProjectTreeView = new List<TreeNode>();
private void BackUpTree()
if (ProjectTreeView.Count == 0)
foreach (TreeNode tn in tvProjectList.Nodes)
ProjectTreeView.Add(tn.Clone() as TreeNode);
Create a method to reset the original tree:
private void ResetTree(bool expandAll = false)
foreach (var tn in ProjectTreeView)
tvProjectList.Nodes.Add(tn.Clone() as TreeNode);
if (expandAll) tvProjectList.ExpandAll();
Iterator function to get all the nodes:
private IEnumerable<TreeNode> GetAllNodes(TreeNodeCollection Nodes)
foreach (TreeNode tn in Nodes)
yield return tn;
foreach (TreeNode child in GetAllNodes(tn.Nodes))
yield return child;
... and a method to do the filter part:
private void FilterTree(bool expandAll = false)
ResetTree(); // <- comment if you are doing multiple filters...
//.Reverse() is required here to iterate backward because the collections
//are modified when removing nodes. You can call .ToList() instead to
//iterate forward.
foreach (var node in GetAllNodes(tvProjectList.Nodes).Reverse())
if (bool.Parse(projectNode.Tag.ToString().Split('|')[8]) == false)
if (node.Parent is null)
if (expandAll) tvProjectList.ExpandAll();