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How to create custom jsonb mapper for PostgreSQL and Hibernate in Kotlin?

I went through available articles: 1, 2, 3.

All of the articles nail down to the following options:

  • Register custom PostgreSQL95Dialect which has jsonb type
  • Implement Hibernate's UserTypeinterface with custom mapping
  • Annotate Entity with @TypeDef of custom implementation
  • Define in custom dialect

If all of the above is done, code is supposed to work. In my case I bump into mysterious Unable to build Hibernate SessionFactory; nested exception is org.hibernate.MappingException: property mapping has wrong number of columns: com.example.Book.header type: com.example.hibernate.BookHeaderType which I don't understand how to debug further.

My JsonbType abstract class:

abstract class JsonbType : UserType {

    override fun hashCode(p0: Any?): Int {
        return p0!!.hashCode()

    override fun deepCopy(p0: Any?): Any {
        return try {
            val bos = ByteArrayOutputStream()
            val oos = ObjectOutputStream(bos)
            val bais = ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray())
        } catch (ex: ClassNotFoundException) {
            throw HibernateException(ex)
        } catch (ex: IOException) {
            throw HibernateException(ex)

    override fun replace(p0: Any?, p1: Any?, p2: Any?): Any {
        return deepCopy(p0)

    override fun equals(p0: Any?, p1: Any?): Boolean {
        return p0 == p1

    override fun assemble(p0: Serializable?, p1: Any?): Any {
        return deepCopy(p0)

    override fun disassemble(p0: Any?): Serializable {
        return deepCopy(p0) as Serializable

    override fun nullSafeSet(p0: PreparedStatement?, p1: Any?, p2: Int, p3: SharedSessionContractImplementor?) {
        if (p1 == null) {
            p0?.setNull(p2, Types.OTHER)
        try {
            val mapper = ObjectMapper()
            val w = StringWriter()
            mapper.writeValue(w, p1)
            p0?.setObject(p2, w.toString(), Types.OTHER)
        } catch (ex: java.lang.Exception) {
            throw RuntimeException("Failed to convert Jsonb to String: " + ex.message, ex)

    override fun nullSafeGet(p0: ResultSet?, p1: Array<out String>?, p2: SharedSessionContractImplementor?, p3: Any?): Any {
        val cellContent = p0?.getString(p1?.get(0))
        return try {
            val mapper = ObjectMapper()
            mapper.readValue(cellContent?.toByteArray(charset("UTF-8")), returnedClass())
        } catch (ex: Exception) {
            throw RuntimeException("Failed to convert String to Jsonb: " + ex.message, ex)

    override fun isMutable(): Boolean {
        return true

    override fun sqlTypes(): kotlin.IntArray? {
        return IntArray(Types.JAVA_OBJECT)

My concrete class BookHeaderType looks:

class BookHeaderType : JsonbType() {

    override fun returnedClass(): Class<BookBody> {



class CustomPostgreSQLDialect : PostgreSQL95Dialect {

    constructor(): super() {
        this.registerColumnType(Types.JAVA_OBJECT, "jsonb")

Book.kt entity:

@Table(name = "book")
        TypeDef(name = "BookHeaderType", typeClass = BookHeaderType::class)
data class Book(
        @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE)
        @Column(updatable = false, nullable = false)
        val id: Long,

        @Column(name = "header", nullable = false, columnDefinition = "jsonb")
        @Type(type = "BookHeaderType")
        var header: BookHeader

BookHeader.kt implements Serializable

@JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)
data class BookHeader(
    var createdAt: OffsetDateTime,
    var createdBy: String
) : Serializable {
    constructor() : this(, "test")

What do I do wrong? Should jsonb custom type be created differently in Kotlin?


  • There is a sibling question that has the answer

    You would need to use custom types:

    pom.xml dependency:


    Register Customer PostgreSQL dialect:

    class CustomPostgreSQLDialect : PostgreSQL95Dialect {
      constructor() : super() {

    Option 1:

    Annotate Entity with jsonb type and make jsonb as Map<String, Any>:

    import com.example.demo.pojo.SamplePojo
    import com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.type.json.JsonBinaryType
    import com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.type.json.JsonStringType
    import org.hibernate.annotations.Type
    import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDef
    import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDefs
    import javax.persistence.*
    @Table(name = "tests")
            TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonStringType::class),
            TypeDef(name = "jsonb", typeClass = JsonBinaryType::class)
    data class SampleEntity (
        @Id @GeneratedValue
        val id: Long?,
        val name: String?,
        @Type(type = "jsonb")
        @Column(columnDefinition = "jsonb")
        var data: Map<String, Any>?
    ) {
         * Dependently on use-case this can be done differently:
        constructor(): this(null, null, null)

    You would need Pojo to Map serializer/deserializer.

    Option 2:

    Annotate Entity with jsonb type and make jsonb as JsonNode?:

    import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
    import com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.type.json.JsonBinaryType
    import com.vladmihalcea.hibernate.type.json.JsonStringType
    import org.hibernate.annotations.Type
    import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDef
    import org.hibernate.annotations.TypeDefs
    import javax.persistence.*
    @Table(name = "tests")
            TypeDef(name = "json", typeClass = JsonStringType::class),
            TypeDef(name = "jsonb", typeClass = JsonBinaryType::class)
    data class SampleJsonNodeEntity (
            @Id @GeneratedValue
            val id: Long?,
            val name: String?,
            @Type(type = "jsonb")
            @Column(columnDefinition = "jsonb")
            var data: JsonNode?
    ) {
         * Dependently on use-case this can be done differently:
        constructor(): this(null, null, null)

    You would need custom POJO to JsonNode, assumingly Jackson serializer/deserializer.


    1st option is better when you have a big JSON with one level of indentation.

    2nd option is better when you have nested objects in objects data-types.