I have the below code and I want to print the text of the selected cell ( a custom cell with a text label )
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "DateCell", for: indexPath) as! DateCell
cell.dateLabel.text = objectsArray[indexPath.section].sectionObjects[indexPath.row]
cell.selectionStyle = .none
contentView.separatorStyle = .singleLine
contentView.allowsSelection = true
return cell
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
if contentView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.accessoryType == UITableViewCell.AccessoryType.none{
contentView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.accessoryType = .checkmark
contentView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.accessoryType = .checkmark
I already tried adding the below code in didSelect row at but I get nil.
print ((contentView.cellForRow(at: indexPath)?.textLabel?.text)!)
Any ideas on how I can do this?
Get it from the original source...
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let str = objectsArray[indexPath.section].sectionObjects[indexPath.row]